Monday, December 29, 2008

Please help...

White blood cells needed for the next three weeks.

A+ and O donors can go to NUH blood centre, tell the nurses that its for anna.

Please note that White blood cells platelets donations is different for blood donation.

The nurses will first do a test to see if you’re a suitable donor. ( free from Hep diseases, HIV free etc, sufficient iron count)

The transfusion of white blood cells will be better if you are a man( because guys have bigger veins)

Believe you will have to make about 2 trips to the blood centre.

The first time to do the test and the second is to do the transfusion which can takes up to 5.5 hours.

These white blood cells meant for anna is to help her fight off viral attacks and is important for her bone marrow transplant( imminent).

Pls help!

Ps: anna is not doing too bad at the moment but she will do better with the white blood cells...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Aftermath of the Bazaar

the amount of things we collected were amazing. So amazing that the balance of the collection is safely stored at Ben's company storeroom now ( at least until one of our friends is back from her studies which is two years later )

The bazaar, we love to think, was a success!

But it is only so because of generous and giving souls who went down on sunday.

I think it thawed our cold cold hearts ( my team members', not mine. Will introduce them later on)We will continue to work on project Anna because we believe that Anna's mom need a little help from us to make a small difference.

Don be mistaken thou! Anna's mom had never request that we do all these for her. She is a humble lady who has trudge on with admirable dignity as well as quiet determination.

We had passed her the sales proceedings and monetary donations to her on Monday. She would like to thank everyone who had helped but we told her we would do it for her. So here we are, thanking every single one who turned up with their family members, friends or just dropping by for a drink.

We are all rooting for Anna and her mom.

Some of you might asked if it is ok to drop by to visit Anna, you can.. but it is not encouraged!! Not because we want to keep u away from them! Due to Anna's low immunity, she is susceptible to germs etc and for speedy recovery, you wouldnt want that! You may write her a card or draw her a picture. Keep her in your thoughts and send good vibes.

We will not be very detailed with Anna's condition because the family preferred to keep it that way. we respect their wishes more than anything.

I will stop here for now..


Director of Proj Anna.

ps: the team consists of Director, X, L, B, C,J,C.

pps: pls note that the drive for anna should be open as one of our friends went down and he was donating blood platelets for her today.
will let you guys know once we confirm this piece of information. ( wouldnt want to mislead you guys, would we? The backlash is actually quite horrible)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Project Anna on 14 December

She worked really hard...

Our youngest customer...

Thank YOU NAI!

The Project Anna's crew

That's Nicolas. Bought by the pub owner.

Paintings are still available!

All made with love

We baked till 6am...

From all the kind-hearted.

Despite the rain...
We worked really hard...

The Venue

Sunday, December 14, 2008


There are still tissue holders, pouches, bow ties available!

Priced @ $5 each.

Feel free to contact "J" on 9765 1547.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

More items

Courtesy of Zhi Hui:

Hand-made magnets~ Available in assorted colours

Mini can drinks for any coke enthusiasts collection

Agnes B Perrier and sticker

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More of what will be available

Also available on sale:
  • 5 Original Star Wars posters
  • 29 Assorted original marvel comic books

Don't miss them during the bazaar.